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Breaking the Glass Ceiling: From Bank Manager to Trailblazer

leadership Apr 29, 2024

Navigating the corporate ladder in the banking sector was a journey that tested my resilience, determination, and belief in the potential for change within traditionally male-dominated industries.

The glass ceiling, an invisible yet palpably restrictive barrier to my advancement, was made more impenetrable by the 'boys' club' mentality and the prevailing culture of 'dead man's shoes' - the idea that significant promotions or career advancements only become available upon the departure or retirement of incumbents. This personal account and the strategies I employed aim to inspire and guide other women facing similar barriers.

Understanding the Glass Ceiling

The glass ceiling in the banking industry isn't just a barrier to promotion; it's a reflection of deeply ingrained biases and systemic obstacles that women encounter. Recognising these challenges was the first step towards formulating a plan to overcome them and carve a path for myself and others.

Personal Journey: Cracking the Glass

Navigating the 'Boys' Club'

As a former bank manager, I found my aspirations seemingly capped by an entrenched boys' club culture. My ideas were often overlooked, and leadership opportunities were scarce, reserved for what felt like a pre-selected few. The realisation hit hard - succeeding in this environment meant changing the game.

Overcoming 'Dead Man's Shoes'

The notion of waiting for someone to retire or leave their post before a promotion becomes available spelled stagnation for ambitious women in any position in Cornwall. I learned quickly that waiting was a long term game was the only option, unless I was prepared to move, which isn't an option with a family and husband serving in the Navy.  Unfortunately I played the game for too long and after twenty-three years I lost the opportunity when redundancy come knocking. 

Strategies You Can Employ for Empowerment and Change 

1. Building A Personal Brand

I started by refining my personal brand, becoming vocal about my accomplishments, and highlighting my leadership skills. Volunteering for training jobs and project management. Speaking at events and contributing to publications, which elevated my profile beyond the confines of my role.

2. Seeking Allies and Mentors

Recognising the power of mentorship, I sought out allies and mentors, not just colleagues but also in the broader job sector. These relationships provided me with invaluable advice, broader perspectives, and advocacy in spaces I was trying to access.

3. Cultivating a Support Network

I focused on building a network of supportive colleagues, both men, and women, who shared my vision for a more inclusive marketplace for jobs. We backed each other's projects and advocated for one another's advancement.

4. Leveraging Continuous Learning

I embraced every learning opportunity, from leadership courses to seminars, ensuring I stayed ahead of industry trends and positioned myself as an expert to banking organisation wanting to adopt a coaching culture.

5. Advocating for Organisational Change

Armed with knowledge and backed by a support network, I began to advocate for meaningful change within the workplace for women, building courses for women to encourage more to progress past their own glass ceiling. This included proposing initiatives for more transparent promotion processes, leadership development programs for women based on their qualities and strengths, and breaking down the boys' club mentality through diversity training programs.

6. Becoming a Mentor and Advocate for Others

Recognising the power of paying it forward, I became a mentor to younger women in the various roles sharing insights, offering guidance, and helping navigate the challenges I once faced.

Charting a New Path

The journey to shattering the glass ceiling in the banking industry taught me that barriers are not just meant to be encountered but to be overcome. It required a blend of personal initiative, strategic networking, continuous learning, and advocacy for systemic change.

Today, as I look back at my journey and ahead to the paths yet to be forged by the next generation of women in leadership, I am reminded of the importance of resilience, support networks, and the power of mentorship. By sharing our stories, strategies, and successes, we not merely crack the glass ceiling but shatter it for those who follow.

Remember, transformation begins with a single step - a step towards redefining not just our careers but the very industries we are part of. Let's continue to pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable future in leadership.

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